Categories : A Culture of Listening Listening to Each Other


It’s not everyday that I hear someone else make a compelling case for the power of listening. And when it happens, I have to share it!

KC Baker knocks it out of the park in this short message to women thought leaders, but really,  everyone can benefit from apply this truth to their relationships.  I see this happen with each of my coaching clients.  And as a mom, I’ve seen my children blossom in the presence of those who listen with interest and wither in the face of  disapproval.

She calls this type of listening “Fertile Listening” (which I love) and I call it “Fluent Listening”.  But really, the idea is the same.  I’m posting it here because she describes the type of culture I want to create in our family, and in the community that’s forming through my work.

While she shares a different faith perspective, I find her message very much in line with the Hebrew understanding of listening being more active and creative, and with the way God designed us to relate to each other.

The 5 Keys to Women’s Thought Leadership – Community from KC Baker on Vimeo.

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